
Our com­pa­ny – your expe­ri­en­ced foam con­ver­si­on part­ner.

Celloflex ope­ra­tes its busi­ness from its head­quar­ters right at the heart of the Ger­man Sie­ger­land regi­on. We pro­vi­de you with a vast array of ser­vices to con­vert and cus­to­mi­se foam-based mate­ri­als. Our core area of exper­ti­se invol­ves an exten­si­ve ran­ge of pro­duc­tion equip­ment that enables us, in con­cert with our pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment func­tion, to respond to cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and to dri­ve inno­va­ti­on in all things foam. We bring this exper­ti­se to bear both at our head­quar­ters at Freu­den­berg, Ger­ma­ny, and at our pro­duc­tion site at Kdy­ne, Czech Repu­blic.


Com­pa­ny histo­ry

May 2001 » Pro­duc­tion relaunch

Pro­duc­tion relaunch at the new head­quar­ters in Freu­den­berg, Ger­ma­ny (Hom­mes­wie­se)

Novem­ber 1999 – March 2001 » Relo­ca­ti­on

Relo­ca­ti­on of pro­duc­tion to Sie­gen, Ger­ma­ny

July – Novem­ber 1999 » Relo­ca­ti­on

Relo­ca­ti­on of pro­duc­tion to Kir­chen, Ger­ma­ny

July 1999 » Major fire

Major fire at the sub­si­dia­ry in Nie­dern­dorf, Ger­ma­ny