Dril­ling, mil­ling and pres­sing

The­se work steps are main­ly used to manu­fac­tu­re pro­ducts for the engi­nee­ring, medi­cal or pack­a­ging indus­tries. Drill holes are used in a num­ber of appli­ca­ti­ons; they make it pos­si­ble, for ins­tance, to cut foam tubes to cus­tom lengths wit­hout requi­ring adhe­si­ve joints. We also use various mil­ling tech­ni­ques. In the simp­le method, a mil­ling head remo­ves mate­ri­al along a tem­p­la­te. This method enables a wide varie­ty of com­plex geo­me­tries. Yet the­re is ano­ther, more sophisti­ca­ted method that uses a ful­ly auto­ma­tic four- or mul­ti-axi­al mil­ling machi­ne. Even though such machi­nes are pri­ma­ri­ly used in the metal­wor­king indus­try, they are equal­ly sui­ta­ble for foam con­ver­si­on becau­se they enable pro­duc­tion of excee­din­gly sophisti­ca­ted pro­fi­led items. Pres­sing is ano­ther opti­on to manu­fac­tu­re pro­fi­led pro­ducts, inclu­ding both lami­na­ted parts (equip­ped with self-adhe­si­ve films or non­wo­vens) and non-lami­na­ted items. Celloflex ope­ra­tes beam press sys­tems and swing-beam pres­ses for this pur­po­se.


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