
Tex­ti­les are used in a num­ber of Celloflex pro­ducts and include non­wo­vens, felt and 3D fila­ments but also a lar­ge num­ber of knit and other fabrics. Tex­ti­le pro­ducts main­ly con­sist of spin­nable fibres that are defi­ned as line­ar becau­se their length/diameter ratio is signi­fi­cant­ly grea­ter than 1. A num­ber of dif­fe­rent fabri­ca­ti­on methods can be used to pro­du­ce tex­ti­les, such as spin­ning, wea­ving, twis­ting or fel­ting. Tex­ti­les can then be modi­fied accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments using dyes and other bio­lo­gi­cal or che­mi­cal addi­ti­ves. Bes­i­des the dye­ing of fabrics, the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess can also invol­ve adding an embro­ide­red motif or logo. We pro­vi­de this and many other tex­ti­le designs to pro­du­ce exact­ly what you need.

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