
Foam is used in an excee­din­gly wide ran­ge of tech­ni­cal fields. This ver­sa­ti­le and mouldable mate­ri­al excels with its low weight, which makes it the per­fect choice in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try, for exam­p­le. It is pre­do­mi­nant­ly the various engi­nee­ring fields that impo­se extre­me­ly strin­gent qua­li­ty requi­re­ments on pro­ducts. This prin­ci­ple appli­es to adhe­rence to agreed deli­very dates, utmost dimen­sio­nal accu­ra­cy and pre­cis­i­on, a wide varie­ty of pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons such as high­ly fla­me-resistant or anti­sta­tic foams, bespo­ke coa­tings or self-adhe­si­ve backings.

For many years, we have been suc­cessful­ly col­la­bo­ra­ting with the auto­mo­ti­ve and other engi­nee­ring indus­tries that use foam for a wide varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons.

Look no fur­ther if you are see­king a foam solu­ti­on for use in engi­nee­ring – we will be plea­sed to sup­port you.


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