
Foam is the per­fect choice for pack­a­ging a vast array of pro­ducts. The ran­ge of mate­ri­als at our dis­po­sal is sui­ta­ble for any solu­ti­on – be it case inserts, divi­ders or bases for sto­ring lar­ge work­pie­ces. As a mat­ter of cour­se, our port­fo­lio also includes foam slabs with an “egg cra­te” or “pyra­mid” sur­face tex­tu­re. Pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons for elec­tro­nic pro­ducts must ensu­re sup­pres­si­on of elec­tro­sta­tic dischar­ge. This is why we always keep foam gra­des on stock that are sui­ta­ble for this spe­ci­fic pur­po­se.

We are your first port of call if you are see­king a part­ner that helps you deve­lop and pro­du­ce your made-to-mea­su­re pack­a­ging solu­ti­on.

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