Portfolio Category: Materials

Poly­ure­tha­ne foam

Poly­ure­tha­ne (PU) foam is pro­du­ced from poly­ols and toluy­le­ne diiso­cya­na­te (TDI) or methy­le­ne diphe­nyl iso­cya­na­te (MDI), which are poly­iso­cya­na­tes sup­pli­ed by the petro­che­mi­cal indus­try. Two dif­fe­rent input mate­ri­als, slab­stock and moul­ded foam, are used for fabri­ca­ting fle­xi­ble poly­ure­tha­ne foam. Celloflex exclu­si­ve­ly uses cut-to-size slab­stock, which is asso­cia­ted with a num­ber of advan­ta­ges: first­ly, the moul­ded…
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Poly­ethy­le­ne foam

Poly­ethy­le­ne (PE) foam gra­des are often used in the pack­a­ging indus­try. This clo­sed-cell mate­ri­al can be grou­ped into cross-lin­ked and non-cross-lin­ked PE foam. Cross-lin­ked PE foam com­pri­ses inter­con­nec­ted poly­mer chains that form a three-dimen­sio­nal grid. This type of foam can be eit­her che­mi­cal­ly or phy­si­cal­ly cross-lin­ked. Both varie­ties exhi­bit a uni­form, clo­sed-cell struc­tu­re that is…
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Baso­tect is an extre­me­ly light­weight, open-cell foam made from mela­mi­ne res­in, a ther­mo­set poly­mer. This uni­que mate­ri­al can be used for a wide varie­ty of pur­po­ses. Baso­tect is not only light­weight but also resistant to tem­pe­ra­tures of up to 240°C. Its open-cell foam struc­tu­re makes Baso­tect the per­fect choice for ther­mal insu­la­ti­on and sound­pro­ofing. Due…
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Latex as an alter­na­ti­ve to foam

Nowa­days, latex has again beco­me popu­lar as an alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal foam. Twen­ty years ago, this mate­ri­al had almost com­ple­te­ly dis­ap­peared from the mar­ket due to a fier­ce pri­ce batt­le asso­cia­ted with mate­ri­al savings and con­stant­ly wor­sening pro­duct qua­li­ty. Even today, many com­pa­nies that fabri­ca­te com­fort items are reluc­tant to using this mate­ri­al. In the…
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