Portfolio Category: Materials


Tex­ti­les are used in a num­ber of Celloflex pro­ducts and include non­wo­vens, felt and 3D fila­ments but also a lar­ge num­ber of knit and other fabrics. Tex­ti­le pro­ducts main­ly con­sist of spin­nable fibres that are defi­ned as line­ar becau­se their length/diameter ratio is signi­fi­cant­ly grea­ter than 1. A num­ber of dif­fe­rent fabri­ca­ti­on methods can be…
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Self-adhe­si­ve films

Self-adhe­si­ve films or items fit­ted with self-adhe­si­ve backings are beco­ming incre­asing­ly popu­lar in many are­as, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in various engi­nee­ring fields. They enable clean and easy assem­bly of a wide varie­ty of com­pon­ents. Self-adhe­si­ve films usual­ly com­pri­se two com­pon­ents: the car­ri­er and the adhe­si­ve. Eit­her of the­se can con­sist of a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als. Adhe­si­ves…
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Poly­ure­tha­ne coa­tings

Poly­ure­tha­ne (PU) coa­tings pro­vi­de ano­ther opti­on to cus­to­mi­se fle­xi­ble poly­ure­tha­ne foam. As in the case of adhe­si­ves, disper­si­ons and sol­vent-con­tai­ning blends can be distin­gu­is­hed for this type of coa­ting. A two-com­po­nent mix­tu­re is used in most cases; it includes a car­ri­er and a pig­ment or colour that can be modi­fied and adjus­ted to spe­ci­fic needs.…
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